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How long will a 100ah battery run a 12v fridge

The runtime of a 12V fridge on a 100Ah battery depends on various factors such as the size of the fridge, the ambient temperature, and how often the fridge is opened. However, here’s a rough estimate based on the assumption that the fridge consumes an average of 2-3 amps per hour:

  • A 100Ah battery can power a 12V fridge for approximately 33-50 hours before needing to be recharged.
  • If the fridge is opened frequently, the runtime may decrease to around 20-30 hours.
  • If the ambient temperature is hot, the runtime may also decrease due to the fridge’s compressor having to work harder to maintain a low temperature.

It’s worth noting that this is a rough estimate, and actual runtime can vary based on many different factors. It’s always a good idea to check the fridge’s user manual for specific power consumption information and to monitor the battery’s voltage levels to avoid over-discharging, which can damage the battery. Additionally, it’s essential to have a reliable method for recharging the battery, such as a solar panel or a generator, to ensure that the fridge can run continuously.

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